
We consider it important to show the values and attractions of Transylvania, as well as encouraging the community living or traveling here to pay attention to these values. That is why we have created our evaluation system by which the traveler can indicate the state of the miracle in question. At the same time, we asked three extremely important professional organizations to validate this evaluation system with their name.

All the values on our site are divided into four major categories: "Nature", "Animal World", "Architecture", "Traditions-Habits-History".

For each of the four categories, we have added some relevant viewpoints to be considered. Based on these considerations, we ask all our visitors to rate the miracles at their own discretion on a scale of 1 to 5 to see not only the beauty of our natural or built heritage, our traditions and the fauna that surrounds us, but also their vulnerabilities. At the same time, we try to call communities, leaders, experts, organizations, etc. to note that they should pay attention to these values and take better care of them.

Thank you for your help.

The professional partners:


WWF is one of the world's largest and most respected independent conservation organizations, with over 5 million supporters and a global network active in over 100 countries.  WWF's mission is to stop the degradation of the earth's natural environment and to build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature, by conserving the world's biological diversity, ensuring that the use of
renewable natural resources is sustainable, and promoting the reduction of pollution and wasteful consumption. Visit panda.org/news for latest news and media resources.

Kallós Zoltán Foundation

Kallós Zoltán has established the foundation that bears his name in 1992 in Răscruci, and entrusted his collection of ethnographic objects – gathered over 70 years – to the Kallós Zoltán Foundation. The mission of the institute consists in conserving and popularizing the spiritual and material values of Hungarian popular culture and traditions. Ever since its establishment, the Foundation is involved in organizing different programs, activities and professional trainings which are aimed at invigorating the cultural life of the region and helping the communities of the Hungarian diaspora to maintain themselves.

Kallós Zoltán, the visionary folklorist who has established the foundation, is a remarkable personality not only as a researcher of folk music, but also as a collector of ethnographic objects. The first organized exhibition of his private collection was opened for the public at 8th August 1998. On this occasion, a selection of his ethnographic collection was presented in an exhibition space consisting of three rooms. Starting from 21st May 2010 the collection is housed by the completely renovated Kallós Manor, under the care of the Kallós Zoltán Museum and Ethnographic Center, established with the sole purpose of exhibiting and adequately storing the collection. The visitors of the collection can now admire objects of Transylvianian Hungarian, Romanian and Saxon, as well as of Ceangău (Csángó) popular culture all year long. What is equally interesting, they can also listen to Kallós Zoltán reminiscing about his beloved sources of ethnographic data and about his ethnographic road trips, full of adventures and sometimes even dangers.

Details: www.kallos.org.ro

Transylvania Trust

The Transylvania Trust was established 10 years ago by professionals who couldn’t accept the circumstances set by society towards the conservation of the built heritage. They wanted a sustainable frame for the conservation of historic buildings and ensembles, trying to change the value judgment which, beginning from the second part of the 20th century, started to move in the wrong direction in Transylvania. This was also the case with the built cultural heritage.

As we learned, it is a gargantuan challenge, a bold initiative. The survival instinct in itself of the financially and morally bereft inhabitants of Transylvania is insufficient to deliver sustainable built heritage management. The regeneration process is slow, slower than the disappearance of the heritage values. Without the dramatic change aspired to for 60 years now, the heritage will gradually disappear. 

The Transylvanian-Romanian-society’s built heritage guardianship needs aid in all fields of built heritage conservation. Besides long term system-building and management we have to answer immediate needs, and to allow time, energy and money to the latter from the very restricted possibilities.

The Transylvania Trust’s main goal, the sustainable protection of the built heritage is achieved in the long term through integrated conservation projects. However, the Trust is helping wherever there is a desperate need in built heritage conservation.

More information: http://www.transylvaniatrust.ro