Ungvári Zrínyi Imre

Philosophy Specialist, Associate Professor

Ungvari Zrinyi Imre

He went to highschool in Marosvásárhely (Tîrgu Mureș) to the Unirea and Papiu Ilarian high Schools, graduating in 1979; in 1985 he obtained his BA degree from Babeş-Bolyai University, with a major in philosophy and history; he obtained his PhD in value theory at the same University in 1999.

Since 1996 he has been the assistant professor of the Babeş-Bolyai University’s Department of Systematic Philosophy. Since 2007 he is the associate professor of the same Department (today: Hungarian Philosophical Institute), teaching ethics and anthropology.

Since 1996 he is the member of the Hungarian Philosophical Society. In 2002 he became member of the Hungarian Academy of Science and in 2009 he founded the Hungarian Philosophical Society of Transylvania.

Research fields: general and applied ethics, philosophy of society, philosophy of culture, history of Hungarian philosophy.


Változó értelemben. Közelítések a filozófiához (Changing sense. Approaches to Philosophy). Essays. Kolozsvár (Cluj-Napoca): Ariadné Könyvek, 1998. Print.

Öntételezés és értéktudat. Böhm Ká­roly filozófiája (Self return and value of consciousness. Károly Böhm’s philosophy). Monoraphy. Kolozsvár–Szeged: Pro Philosophia, 2002. Print.

Dialógus. Interpretáció. Interakció. Közelítések a kultúra kommunikatív értelmezéséhez (Dialogue. Interpretation. Interact. Approaches to the Communicative Interpretation of Culture). Studies. Marosvásárhely: 2005, Print.

Bevezetés az etikába (Introduction to Ethics). University textbook. Bucharest: Editura Didactică și Pedagogică, 2006. Print.

Alkalmazott etikai alapfogalmak. Bioetika. Gazdaságetika. Közszolgálati etika. Médiaetika (Applied ethical concepts. Bioethics. Economic Ethics. Public ethics. Media science). University textbook. Kolozsvár: Egyetemi Műhely Kiadó, 2007. Print.

Morálfilozófia (Moral phylosophy). Kolozsvár: Egyetemi Műhely Kiadó, 2008. Print

Életünk formaelvei. Erkölcs a gondolkodásban és a mindennapokban (Forms of our lives. Morality in thinking and everyday life). Kolozsvár: Egyetemi Műhely Kiadó, 2014. Print.

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